Plandome Heights is a member of the Manhasset Bay Protection Committee [MBPC] and we maintain a presence at their meetings. Our Building Inspector, Edward Butt, AIA, is our Storm Water Management Officer. We file an “MS4” Annual Report with New York State each year regarding our relationship with the local waterway including handling of storm water waste, educational opportunities for the public with regard to environmental concerns, etc.. Plandome Heights is committed to working collaboratively with MBPC and our neighboring municipalities in protecting Manhasset Bay.
Our MS4 Village Stormwater Annual Report
Effective immediately, there will be changes in the Village Waste Management. See following link – Change in Village Waste Management
As a reminder, Plandome Heights requires the homeowner to obtain a permit for any containers (including “Pods”), in advance of installation.
Trash is normally collected three times per week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the west side of the village, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for the east side of the village. We pay to have your household garbage and recyclables removed from the rear or side of your home.
Trash is not collected on the holidays listed below. If the holiday falls on a day during which your trash is normally scheduled for pick-up, your trash will be picked up on your next regularly scheduled day instead.
New Year’s Day | Labor Day |
Martin Luther King Day | Columbus Day |
Presidents’ Day | Veterans’ Day |
Memorial Day | Thanksgiving Day |
Independence Day | Christmas Day |
Acceptable waste is generated from normal day-to-day operation of the household and kitchen. This includes all food waste, fish, meats, and vegetables, paper packages, etc. (see below for recycling information). Garbage should be stored in closed, leak proof metal or plastic containers. Garbage is collected from ONE location only. A maximum of six (6) thirty gallon cans or equivalent will be collected each day.
Please note the Nassau County Health Law regarding the use of appropriate containers.
Plandome Heights is a village of residents who care about our environment. As such, we have adopted Village Code that covers the depositing of debris in public places as well as where homeowners’ garbage receptacles may be located:
- No person shall scatter, drop or spill or permit to be scattered, dropped or spilled, any dirt, sand, gravel, clay, loam, stones or building rubbish or household waste or offensive liquids or matter therefrom, or permit the same to be blown or thrown off any vehicle in or upon any public place.
- Receptacles for garbage shall not be kept nearer to any roadway or street than the wall of the residence fronting on an adjacent roadway or street, except receptacles for garbage may be placed in front of the wall of said residence after the sundown of the day preceding a day designated for garbage collection.
- Debris or trash shall not be placed for collection in front of premises until sundown of the day before pickup.
Plandome Heights is a village of residents who care about our environment. As such we have selected a sanitation carrier that cares about recycling. Mandatory recycling materials Include:
- Paper: Newspaper, junk mail, phone books, magazines, catalogues, office paper envelopes (without plastic windows), index cards, greeting cards, paper-back books, and non-metallic wrapping paper
- Glass, Plastic and Metal: bottles, cans, aluminum foil, pie tins, pots and pans, and plastic containers
Recyclables will be collected at least once per week and additionally on any regular collection day when the recycling container(s) is/are at least half-full and placed in the same location as the garbage.
Yard waste must be placed curbside. Yard waste includes grass, leaves, hedge clippings and tree limbs. Hedge clippings and tree limbs must not be longer than three (3”) inches in diameter and should be securely tied into bundles. Grass and leaves should be placed in BAGS. All yard waste shall be collected from the curbside on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Bulk items / “white metal” must also be placed curbside. These include furniture, mattress, box springs, rugs, and white metal items such as hot water heaters, washers, dryers, refrigerators etc. Only TWO (2) of these items are permitted to be put out at the CURBSIDE on the last regularly scheduled collection day of the week for your particular side of the village. Rugs should be cut into four (4’) foot lengths. Doors must be removed from refrigerators and freezers. Please call the company to schedule the pickup.
Excluded items include hazardous waste, volatile materials, propane tanks, gas tanks, bricks, asphalt, concrete, granite, marble, and all other stone and stoneware, lime, asbestos, automobile parts such as engines, transmissions, rear-ends and other auto-body parts etc., pipes, infectious and biological waste, paint cans with liquid, logs larger than 4”x4” or longer than 4 feet, chain link fence and cables. The homeowner’s Contractor must handle scrap lumber and other debris resulting from construction and/or renovation of premises.
Electronic waste such as T.V.’s, computers, monitors, electronic games, cellphones and other E-Waste, as well as rechargeable, lithium and button batteries and bulbs must be taken to the Solid Waste Management Authority: 999 West Shore Road, Roslyn , Sundays 7:30am – 2:30pm.